dbVAST is a database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in transcripts of two shrimp species, Penaeus indicus and Penaeus vannamei. Users can search the database with a query sequence and extract SNPs in it. The major components of dbVAST database are SNPs in coding sequences and its significance. The dbVAST is intended to benefit researchers and academicians by showcasing variations in the candidate coding sequences of shrimp.
The dbVAST is a retrievable database of SNPs in coding sequences. Users have to first select a shrimp species and then submit a query sequence or name of the protein in which he/she is interested to find SNP positions.
A blastn search is performed if a sequence is used as a query, to find the most similar transcript in the database for the selected species. The search based on protein name is straight forward. Then the following information is displayed for the most similar transcript or protein on the screen which can be also be downloaded.
The dbVAST is available free as on-line web tool for users.
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